Map - Remire-Montjoly

Remire-Montjoly (often unofficially spelled Rémire-Montjoly) is a commune of French Guiana, an overseas region and department of France located on the northeast coast of South America.

Remire-Montjoly is a suburb of Cayenne, the capital préfecture and largest city of French Guiana. It is located to the south-east of Cayenne. Residential districts are located along some of the best beaches in the Cayenne area.

Cayenne and French Guiana's main seaport, the port of Dégrad des Cannes, is located in the commune of Remire-Montjoly, on the estuary of the river Mahury. Almost all of French Guiana's imports and exports pass through the port of Dégrad des Cannes.

The name of the town Remire, formerly Armire, is of Galibi origin. The town was founded in October 1652 by missionaires. In 1656, Dutch Jews who had fled from Pernambuco, Brazil settled in Remire and built a sugar factory. Most of them left for Suriname when the French retook the area. In 1666, the Jesuits settled in the town, and started a sugar plantation. In 1765, the possessions of the Jesuits were ceased, and Remira became a tiny village in the shadow of Cayenne once more. In 1879, Remire was elevated to a community with its own mayor. After the eruption of Mount Pelée in 1902, many people from Martinique settled in the town.

The commune was originally called Remire, but on 27 March 1969 the name was officially changed to Remire-Montjoly to reflect the development of Montjoly, one of the two settlements located within the commune. With urban expansion, the settlements of Remire and Montjoly have fused with Cayenne into a single urban area, however Remire-Montjoly remains a commune that is administered separately from the commune of Cayenne.

Map - Remire-Montjoly
Google Earth - Map - Remire-Montjoly
Google Earth
Openstreetmap - Map - Remire-Montjoly
Map - Remire-Montjoly - Esri.WorldImagery
Map - Remire-Montjoly - Esri.WorldStreetMap
Map - Remire-Montjoly - OpenStreetMap.Mapnik
Map - Remire-Montjoly - OpenStreetMap.HOT
Map - Remire-Montjoly - OpenTopoMap
Map - Remire-Montjoly - CartoDB.Positron
Map - Remire-Montjoly - CartoDB.Voyager
Map - Remire-Montjoly - OpenMapSurfer.Roads
Map - Remire-Montjoly - Esri.WorldTopoMap
Map - Remire-Montjoly - Stamen.TonerLite
Country - French_Guiana
French Guiana ( or ; Guyane ; Lagwiyann ) is an overseas department of France located on the northern coast of South America in the Guianas. Bordered by Suriname to the west and Brazil to the east and south, French Guiana covers a land area of 83534 km2, and is inhabited by 301,099 people.

French Guiana is the second-largest region of France (more than one-seventh the size of Metropolitan France) and the largest outermost region within the European Union. It has a very low population density, with only 3.6 PD/sqkm. (Its population is less than 1⁄200 that of Metropolitan France.) Half of its 301,099 inhabitants in 2023 lived in the metropolitan area of Cayenne, its capital. 98.9% of the land territory of French Guiana is covered by forests, a large part of which is primeval rainforest. The Guiana Amazonian Park, which is the largest national park in the European Union, covers 41% of French Guiana's territory.
Currency / Language  
ISO Currency Symbol Significant figures
EUR Euro € 2
ISO Language
FR French language
Neighbourhood - Country  
  •  Brazil 
  •  Suriname 
Administrative Subdivision
City, Village,...